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Christine Maggiore, bien connue des sceptiques du "vih", comme il faudrait que nous nous nommions, a perdu un de ses enfants il y 4 mois des suites d'une otite.

Après 3 mois d'atermoiements, le Coroner de Califormie impute la mort de sa fille à une "pneumonie liée au sida", sans donner d'ailleurs ses preuves.

Voici le lien sur le blog de Dean Esmay, qui explique bien, grâce à une lettre de Christine Maggiore, que le diagnostic médical initial ne révèlait aucune pneumonie, et que la cause vraisemblable de la mort de sa fille est un choc anaphylactique dû à l'amoxicilline. Trois mois après, ce Coroner décide qu'il s'agit de Sida qu'aurait transmis Christine (diagnostiquée séopositive il y a plus de 12 ans, et qui ensuite a vu ses tests Elisa se négativer) à sa fille Eliza Jane.

Ce qui est incroyable, c'est qu'un des contempteurs des sceptiques du Sida, qui s'appelle Dale, voie lui aussi dans cette attitude du Coroner une manoeuvre malhabile pour détruire le mouvement sceptique qui grandit de plus en plus (il suffit de lire le nom des multiples PhDs et MDs qui s'ajoutent à la liste compiléepar Marcel Girodian. Il en est actuellement à 2317.

Le post de Dale est le premier du blog.

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Je suppose que le coroner s'appuie sur une expertise ... pour affirmer cela ... (selon le principe de fonctionnement de procédure US - - ) ... mais pourquoi l'affirme-t-il ? Quelqu'un a-t-il introduit une action à l'encontre la mère ? ... ou est-ce la mère qui a initié une action à l'encontre d'un praticien ?

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Apparemment, personne n'a encore introduit une action contre la mère. Celle-ci risquerait d'ailleurs d'être explosive, car Christine Maggiore ferait certainement appel comme témoins de la défense à tous les MD et PhD américains qui sont derrière elle, en particulier Peter Duesberg, Harvey Bialy, Kary Mullis et j'en passe.

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Comme je le disais sur Aids myth exposed, il est parfaitement clair qu'elle est morte à cause de la prise conjointe de l'Amoxicilline (un antibiotique de la classe des pénicilines), et du Tylenol (du paracetamol). A mon avis, c'est comme prendre une double dose de l'un ou de l'autre.

Elle n'a jamais eu aucun symptome de pneumonie. Elle ne toussait pas. A la fin du mois d'Avril, elle avait juste le nez qui coulait, sans même avoir de fièvre. Le 5 Mai, elle allait mieux. Mais elle avait apparemment une petite infection à l'oreille. Bref, rien à voir avec une pneumonie

Le 14, elle prend de l'Amoxicilline et du Tylenol. Et le jour suivant, elle vomit plusieurs fois. Typique d'une agression du système digestif dûe à un antibiotique ou à un anti-inflammatoire. Et quelques heures plus tard, elle cesse de respirer. Et elle meurt quelques heures plus tard (ou est déclarée morte ?) le lendemain matin.

Pour moi, ça doit être une attaque cérébrale ou une attaque cardiaque.

Il est possible aussi que ce soit une mort à cause de saignements importants dans le système digestif, ou le foie qui aurait laché. Mais, ça me semble moins probable.

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Voici le texte du Los Angeles Times :

A Mother's Denial, a Daughter's Death

By Charles Ornstein and Daniel Costello, Times Staff Writers

Christine Maggiore was in prime form, engaging and articulate, when she explained to a Phoenix radio host in late March why she didn't believe HIV caused AIDS.

The HIV-positive mother of two laid out matter-of-factly why, even while pregnant, she hadn't taken HIV medications, and why she had never tested her children for the virus.



"Our children have excellent records of health," Maggiore said on the Air America program when asked about 7-year-old Charlie and 3-year-old Eliza Jane Scovill. "They've never had respiratory problems, flus, intractable colds, ear infections, nothing. So, our choices, however radical they may seem, are extremely well-founded."

Seven weeks later, Eliza Jane was dead.

The cause, according to a Sept. 15 report by the Los Angeles County coroner, was AIDS-related pneumonia.

These days, given advances in HIV care, it's highly unusual for any young child to die of AIDS. What makes Eliza Jane's death even more striking is that her mother is a high-profile, charismatic leader in a movement that challenges the basic medical understanding and treatment of acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

Even now, Maggiore, a 49-year-old former clothing executive from Van Nuys, stands by the views she has espoused on "The Ricki Lake Show" and ABC's "20/20," and in Newsweek and Mothering magazines. She and her husband, Robin Scovill, said they have concerns about the coroner's findings and are sending the report to an outside reviewer.

"I have been brought to my emotional knees, but not in regard to the science of this topic," said Maggiore, author of an iconoclastic book about AIDS that has sold 50,000 copies. "I am a devastated, broken, grieving mother, but I am not second-guessing or questioning my understanding of the issue."

One doctor involved with Eliza Jane's care told The Times he has been second-guessing himself since the day he learned of the little girl's death.

Dr. Jay Gordon, a Santa Monica pediatrician who had treated Eliza Jane since she was a year old, said he should have demanded that she be tested for human immunodeficiency virus when, 11 days before she died, Maggiore brought her in with an apparent ear infection.

"It's possible that the whole situation could have been changed if one of the doctors involved — one of the three doctors involved — had intervened," said Gordon, who himself acknowledges that HIV causes AIDS. "It's hindsight, Monday-morning quarterbacking, whatever you want to call it. Do I think I'm blameless in this? No, I'm not blameless."

Mainstream AIDS organizations, medical experts and ethicists, long confounded and distressed by this small but outspoken dissident movement, say Eliza Jane's death crystallizes their fears. The dissenters' message, they say, is not just wrong, it's deadly.

"This was a preventable death," said Dr. James Oleske, a New Jersey physician who never examined Eliza Jane but has treated hundreds of HIV-positive children. "I can tell you without any doubt that, at the outset of her illness, if she was appropriately evaluated, she would have been appropriately treated. She would not have died.

"You can't write a more sad and tragic story," Oleske said.

It is a story not just about Maggiore and her family but about failures among child welfare officials and well-known Los Angeles County doctors.

Among the physicians involved in Eliza Jane's care was Dr. Paul Fleiss, a popular if sometimes unconventional Los Feliz pediatrician who gained some publicity in the 1990s as the father of the notorious Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss. He was sentenced to three years' probation for conspiring to shield the profits from his daughter's call-girl ring from the IRS, among other things.

"I don't understand it," Fleiss said of Eliza Jane's death, "because I've never seen her sick or with anything resembling what she supposedly died of.... I don't believe I could have done anything to change this outcome."

Fleiss, who said he could be "convinced either way" on whether HIV causes AIDS, has known the family since before Eliza Jane was born. In 2000, the county Department of Children and Family Services investigated Maggiore and Scovill after a tipster complained that Charlie was in danger because he hadn't been tested for HIV and was breast-fed.

The department found no evidence of neglect, based partly on reassurances from Fleiss, according to an official report reviewed by The Times.

Now, with the death of Eliza Jane, authorities say they are poised to act.

Pour plus de données, vous pouvez jetez un coup d'oeil sur la chaîne complète de Dean Esmay à ce sujet :

Modifié par Cheminot
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vraiment désolant...beurk......j aurais plus tot à croire la mere que le coroner ! pas vous ???? c est contre le fabricant de l antibio qu elle a du deposer plainte et là, ils l a font marcher de manière indirecte !!.....ils auraient meme poposés de lui retiré la garde de son second enfant, qui par chance teste et reteste seronegatif et cà, d une ca les embete mais en plus cela prouve que leur theorie est debile (transmission mere/enfant ) que cela donne deux fois plus de poids à la dissidence du fameux viru$ tueur !

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