illusion Posté(e) le 25 mai 2010 Partager Posté(e) le 25 mai 2010 En parcourant le réseau social facebook, je suis tombé sur un groupe dénommé from hiv positive to hiv negative. Quand on lit la description du groupe voila ce qu'on y trouve...(malheureusement c'est en anglais): Infos générales Nom : From HIV positive to HIV negative Catégorie : Intérêts communs - Santé et bien-être Description : We have helped thousands of people to become HIV negative and rid them selves of cancer. They stop ARV's/chemo, milk, meat and also stop abusing their bodies with Alcohol, sugar, junk food and cool drinks. They drink our natural juice called "Ngcolosi Magic" (UMLINGO WAMANGCOLOSI) and start a new life. its cheap 100%natural and 96% of users fully recover. You can buy it at Farmers Produce, 161 Sparks Rd. Overport/Durban also available in Pinetown, Pietermarizburg 083 2320 756, Mafakatini 082 6260 562, Umbumbulu 073 4784 499, Umlazi Q 079 297 9773 & F section 079 8059 712, KwaNgcolosi Court House by the Inanda Dam 083 746 4536, Newcastle 084 2601160, KwaNgcolosi 076 3433 820 Johannesburg 0844449573 If you decide to visit us at the KwaNgcolosi Information Clinic by the Inanda dam, in Inkosi Bhengu his court house you will receive a free dvd copy of Power to the People and HIV fact or Fraud. Go to if you need individual treatment using a program that was the base of UMLINGO WAMANGCOLOSI. 1Love (lire moins) We have helped thousands of people to become HIV negative and rid them selves of cancer. They stop ARV's/chemo, milk, meat and also stop abusing their bodies with Alcohol, sugar, junk food and cool drinks. They drink our natural juice called "Ngcolosi Magic" (UMLINGO WAMANGCOLOSI) and start a new life. its cheap 100%natural and 96% of users fully recover. You can buy it at Farmers Produce, 161 Sparks Rd. Overport/Durban also available in Pinetown, Pietermarizburg 083 2320 756, Mafakatini 082... (lire la suite) Niveau de confidentialité : Fermé : contenu public restreint. Les membres du groupe peuvent voir l’intégralité du contenu. bon au début j'étais sceptique vu que il parle tout de suite d'acheter le fameux brevage...mais en fouillant un peu j'ai trouvé justement la recette. La voila mais en anglais: Joachim Kim Cools UMLINGO WAMANGCOLOSI / MAGIC OF NGCOLOSI The History, Functions & recipe of Umlingo WamaNgcolosi Very Effective for Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Arthritis, AIDS, Asthma, Epilepsy, stomach ulcers, cancers etc. In the Year 1998 we found out about the AIDS deceit from In1999 after attending a lecture of Deepak Chopra, my Wife and I decided to become part of the positive change in this world. (Thank You Deepak Chopra) We wrote letters to the News papers (very ineffective) and distributed and planted several thousand pawpaw trees in varies areas (to increase vitamin and mineral levels in African people to avoid AIDS). We joined a local green party, but soon realized that it was corrupted by one of its founders, as they wanted to promote ARV’s and money science instead of Truth, and white people instead of African people. In 2003 we decided to go and live in a Traditional Area to practice what we where preaching. After traveling all over SA and visiting many traditional areas, it was Inkhosi B.F. Bhengu together with his Chief Induna “Mapanga / AmaTowel” who realized that we could make a major difference, and asked us to choose our land and settle. We chose a peninsula on the inanda Dam and started building our Rondavels and growing our food forest. In 2004 after seeing Carte Blanche on E TV, we invited Tine and Nely vd Maas to come and stay with us in KwaNgcolosi by the Inanda Dam for 4 months, to produce a Film documentary we named “POWER TO THE PEOPLE”, that eventually would help ELIMINATE the pharmaceutical deceit that is going on worldwide (Population Control). I call it “The Catholic Economic Matrix” as it was the Catholic Church that initiated the Universities that went on to teach and preach symptom based medicine as we know it today, and later exterminated most European herbalist (Witches) as they where cheaper and of course more successful as they treated the cause of a disease rather then the symptom. Today the same institutions worldwide are promoting faulty science, all in the name of profit and population control. Our then Health Minister Dr. Manto Tshabalala Msimang visited us several times to follow up on our patients and eventually sponsored (via the National Health Dep.) a 9 months trial that was so amazing that the forces that be had to go and hide the outcome (96% recovery rate) and everything that had to do with this trial. During their 4 months visit Tina & Nely had shown us most of the important natural herbs / foods needed to bring back the nearly dead to life, no matter what the disease. ( google “POWER TO THE PEOPLE” or go to Face Book “Tine Van Der Maas” to see our film doc.). To simplify the use of this extremely effective ingredients, we decided to mix it all together and add cold pressed Hempseed oil, Aloe vera with no preservatives, cold pressed flaxseed oil, Tumeric and Stevia powder. To honor the courage of our Inkhosi Ngcolosi/Bhengu, for allowing us to settle down in his area for the purpose of manifesting TRUTH, we decided to name the juice after him: “Umlingo WamaNgcolosi” (The Magic of Ngcolosi/Bhengu). Umlingo WamaNgcolosi can be used when suffering from any (chronic) disease as it detoxifies the body and restores the biochemistry. With this magic natural juice, the body now has all the building blocks available to repair or/and maintain itself. The PH automatically re balances itself to between 7.1 to 7.3. How you can make Umlingo WamaNgcolosi for 1 day: 1. Soak 3 average sized non GE/GMO lemons for about 10 minutes in water with some vinegar or plenty of see salt added. Then scrub each lemon to rid it of whatever the growers have sprayed on it. 2. Cut the lemons with skin and pips in pieces and put them in a strong mixer blender 3. Add 3 tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive oil and 3 cups of water 4. Add 3 tablespoons of non GE/GMO local garlic 5. Add 3 tablespoons of non GE/GMO local Ginger (Double this amount for people with Lung problems/ Asthma) 6. Add 3 teaspoons of cold pressed Hemp Seed Oil (Double for Epilepsy & nervous diseases) 7. Add 3 teaspoons of cold pressed Flax Seed Oil 8. Add 3 tablespoons of Aloe Vera extract (with no preservatives) 9. Add 1 teaspoon of tumeric 10. Add 3 tablespoons of a natural Multivitamin/ Multi Mineral supplement 11. Add ¼ teaspoon of Stevia powder. 12. Add 3 cups of ozon enriched filtered water (We recommend OASIS water) 13. Blend for 35 minutes. 14. Drink 1/3 in the morning, 1/3 after lunch and 1/3 in the evening. Repeat this for 6 to 24 weeks non stop, depending on when you feel that you have fully recovered. Then you can maintain your health by eating organic and wholesome. You can also use this juice for maintenance by having one bottle twice a month. In addition on a daily basis the patient should eat 2 large Beetroots/day, 2 Brazil Nuts, 1 Tablespoon of Pumpkin Seeds, as much non GE/GMO organic Fruit and Veggies as possible, drink 2 liters of Filtered water, expose the body to sunshine in the mornings and late afternoons and breath deeply. If the patient feels like drinking Tea, it should only be natural herbal tea like green or Rooibos tea without sugar. (You can use Stevia powder to sweeten) Incase of Asthma, Do the following breathing exercise a couple of times per day: Breath out, till all is out (bending even over). Breath in on the count of 8, hold your breath for the count of 8, and breath out again, bending over. Singing songs where you have to use up your air is also a good way to do this exercise Avoid the following until you are free of Symptoms: No “normal” tea, no coffee (instant or bean), no alcohol, no juices (even the “natural” ones or the no sugar added ones), no fizzy or gassy drinks, no diet drinks, no milk or yoghurt or any other animal products. No sugar, no refined foods, no bread, no wheat products, no pasta, no flour, no potatoes, obviously no cakes etc., no diet products. No red meat till you are healthy, and than you can eat occasionally “green” meat (from cattle raised organically). Stay away from all processed meats including sausages, and also meat from pork like bacon and ham etc. Do not use artificial sweetners, as they were designed to kill ants, so if you want to get rid of your ants in your garden or house, just sprinkle artificial sweetener powder and the ants will die. Heating oil and frying food make the food and the oil toxic. Avoid especially when sick. Later on you can use Palmflower or Coconut oil to fry occasionally. NEVER stop your medication on your own (unless you have 100% faith in your own decisions) – it can be dangerous. Have yourself monitored every week by a doctor (or a registered nurse who is allowed to adjust your medication) for insulin, high blood pressure medication and cholesterol medication should you have doubts. You will need less medication as you stay on the Magic Juice untill all medication may be stopped. You can reduce medication like painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs yourself, but for example cortisone or steroids (often prescribed for arthritis and asthma are drugs you have to be weaned of, depending how long you have been on it. Although you will not need your asthma pump anymore, keep it with you till you know for sure you will not need it anymore. Don’t just throw it out when you have not used it for a week or two. Once you are well, you can reduce the magic juice to twice per day. Keep on monitoring your ph so it stays in the normal range, and than you can reduce the magic juice to once per day. You will notice that when for example you have eaten many things you should normally avoid, like cakes, puddings and meat, your ph may drop and you may feel sluggish the next day. Just for one or two days take again 3 cups of magic juice, so you can get all the junk quickly out of your body. Do not see this as a diet but a lifestyle change. The saying “You are what you eat” is so true. You eat junk, you become diseased! The Magic Juice/ Umlingo WamaNgcolosi juice will bring your body back to balance. When you have eaten something that makes you feel nauseas, or causes you to vomit or have diarrhea just take 2 tablespoons of activated charcoal every 2 hours till it has stopped. You can also grind some burned wood or plain charcoal into a powder and take that. We advise on many other diseases like Lupus, cancers, autism, strokes, heart, emphysema, etc. The basic magic juice is than still used but with other things added. You can e-mail us to find out what to add. If there is a big demand for this information, we may also publish this here. Should you want to have individual treatment in the JHB Area, please contact Tine Van Der Maas on 0715158643. 2 janvier, à 08:02 · Signaler a noter aussi que ce groupe est lié a Tine van der maas dont le site internet est qu'en pensez vous? Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
rebayima Posté(e) le 25 mai 2010 Partager Posté(e) le 25 mai 2010 J'avais dèjà surfé sur le site de Tina Van Der maas et je me disais: en voilà une autre qui confond recouvrement de force avec guerison réelle. Mais elle affirme avoir amené des gens au statut de séronégatif !! La séronégativation est bien connue mais jamais rendue publique : Montagnier et ses constatations lors d'expériences à Pasteur, Anomah van ngumah au Cameroun, un autre JMAR Madagascar, un autre du président guinéen , un tradipraticien béninois, j'avais même lu un cas en Israél vers 2003-04 etc..... Pourquoi les séropositifs qui séronégativent ne témoignent pas publiquement ? Pourtant certains déclarent bien leur séropositivité dans les médias, publiquement donc. 9a pourrait amener les pouvoirs publics à financer autre choses que les ARV. Est-ce que le greffé de Berlin soigné pour leucémie a séronégativé ? On se met en groupe et on va voir sur place ? Mais je suppose que des séropositifs allemands ou proches y ont pensé. Avez vous des news ? Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Jibrail Posté(e) le 26 mai 2010 Partager Posté(e) le 26 mai 2010 (modifié) Est-ce que le greffé de Berlin soigné pour leucémie a séronégativé ? On se met en groupe et on va voir sur place ? Mais je suppose que des séropositifs allemands ou proches y ont pensé. Avez vous des news ? Oui, le greffé de Berlin est apparemment devenu séronégatif. En témoigne cette article du NEJM publiée l'an dernier sur son cas, et plus particulièrement ce graphique, qui montre l'évolution de sa réponse au Western Blot avant et 625 jours après sa transplantation de moelle (pour cause de leucémie). Au Western Blot, la réaction est devenue négative pour 3 des 5 protéines du VIH pour lequel il était positif, ce qui équivaut à un test négatif dans la plupart des pays (en général, au moins 3 bandes sont nécessaires). Sa charge virale est restée indétectable (elle l'était déjà peu avant la greffe suite à un traitement liées à des multithérapie "antirétrovirale" et à au traitement immunosuppresseur préalable à la greffe), son taux de CD4 s'est progressivement rétabli. Cette "guérison" est attribuée à la modification du co-récepteur "CCR5", qui selon la théorie orthodoxe, est utilisée par le supposé VIH pour infecter les cellules du système immunitaire. La moelle du donneur était en effet porteur de la modification génétique rare avec absence du CCR5. Je m'interroge cependant sur le rôle de la suppression du système immunitaire liée à la transplantation de moelle : en effet, pour cette opération, le système immunitaire est littéralement anéanti par chimiothérapie avant d'être progressivement reconstitué à partir de celui du donneur (de sa moelle). D'après l'article, d'autres transplantations de moelle chez des séropositifs (mais sans la modif CCR5) n'avait pas conduit à une semblable guérison. Cet article en français du site canadien CATIE remet cependant les pendules à l'heure par rapport à cette technique de transplantation de moelle toujours très périlleuse. Modifié le 26 mai 2010 par Jibrail Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
aixur Posté(e) le 26 mai 2010 Partager Posté(e) le 26 mai 2010 Concernant le greffé de Berlin, à mon avis, c'est surtout le traitement qu'il prend qui a du le rendre négatif. Comme je le dis dans cette page (section 3,3), les traitements qui augmentent le taux de cortisol font baisser la charge virale et augmenter le taux de cd4. Donc, ça négative aussi certainement les tests. En effet, le résultat des tests va dans le même sens que celui de la charge virale. Bref, plus la charge virale est basse, et plus le test vih a des chances d'être négatif. Or, les médicaments pris dans le cas d'une greffe augmentent le taux de cortisol. Donc, il font augmenter le taux de cd4, baisser la charge virale, et négativent les tests vih. Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
hugood Posté(e) le 31 mai 2010 Partager Posté(e) le 31 mai 2010 intéressant le message d'ILLUSION... c'est quoi leur traitement? cher? qui a essayé? Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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